Benefits of Marijuana for Medical Use? - JOLLY

Benefits of Marijuana for Medical Use?

Benefits of Marijuana for Medical Use?

After being illegal for decades, marijuana is now being looked at again from a cultural and legal point of view.

Recent research shows that most Americans want marijuana to be legal for medical and recreational use. Because of this, many states have made marijuana legal for either medical or recreational use or both.

Still, some researchers and lawmakers want to see more scientific proof that marijuana has certain benefits. Aside from the need for more research, there are worries that the risks of marijuana could sometimes outweigh its benefits.

Do you want to know if this substance has all the benefits that people say it does? They go over some of the most researched benefits and a few things to think about.

What good things does medical marijuana do for your health?

More than 60 research studies that experts have reviewed have looked at the benefits of medical marijuana. Sixty-eight percent of these studies found benefits, while eight percent found no help. Two-thirds of the studies couldn't conclude or were neutral. CBD has been the subject of most research. The way medical marijuana interacts with the end cannabinoid system makes it helpful. This has a lot of effects, such as

  • Changing how the immune system works,
  • helping neurons change,
  • regulating emotions and thoughts, such as learning and motivation, appetite, blood flow, and digestion.
  • There are medical uses for marijuana.

Stop and slow the spread of cancer cells:

Cannabidiol can stop cancer by turning off a gene, researchers at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco said that CBD might stop cancer from spreading. The researchers used Id-1-rich breast cancer cells as test subjects in the lab and treated them with cannabidiol.

The result was pretty good, as the cells' Id-1 expression went down, and they spread less quickly. The American Association for Cancer Research has found that marijuana does work to slow the growth of tumors in the brain, breast, and lungs.

Prevent Alzheimer's:

A 2006 study led off the Scripps Research Institute found that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease. THC blocks the enzyme in the brain that makes amyloid plaques, which slows down their growth. Plaques like these kill brain cells and may cause Alzheimer's disease.

Treat Glaucoma:

Marijuana can be used to treat Glaucoma, a disease that causes the pressure in the eye to rise, hurting the optic nerve and making it possible to lose sight. The National Eye Institute says that marijuana lowers the pressure inside the eye.

Take care of arthritis:

In 2011, researchers found that cannabis reduces pain and inflammation and helps people sleep. This may help people with rheumatoid arthritis feel less pain and discomfort.

Researchers in the rheumatology departments of several hospitals gave their patients Sati vex, a painkiller made from cannabinoids. After two weeks, people who took Sati vex had significantly less pain and slept better than those who took a placebo.

Help people with MS feel less pain:

Marijuana can stop the harmful effects on the nervous system and muscle spasms that come with multiple sclerosis. According to a study by the Canadian Medical Association, marijuana may help with the painful symptoms of multiple sclerosis.


In response, Good all said recently that he might let athletes use marijuana if medical research shows that it helps protect the brain.

These medical benefits of marijuana are just a few of the many good things about this plant. It is still hard to understand why medical marijuana isn't legal in most countries and why it has such a bad name.

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