Importance of Cannabis in Medical Treatment - JOLLY

Importance of Cannabis in Medical Treatment

Importance of cannabis in medical treatment

For a long time, cannabis and its derivatives were only employed as a source of psychotropic substances. Rheumatism, gout, malaria, and forgetfulness were among the many ailments for which it was studied. Intoxication characteristics were seen as the most crucial aspect of medical value.

Medical benefits of marijuana

As a bonus, we've compiled a list of the medical benefits of marijuana that you may not have previously known.

  1. Reduce the rate at which cancer cells spread.

Cannabidiol reduces cancer growth by turning off Id-1. High-Id-1 breast cancer cells were treated with cannabidiol in the lab. The cells showed a decrease in Id-1 expression and became less aggressive. According to the American Association for Cancer Research, marijuana decreases brain, breast, and lung tumour growth.

  1. Prevent Alzheimer’s

THC, the main element in marijuana, has been shown to decrease the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The enzyme in the brain that produces amyloid plaques is blocked by THC, which inhibits their production. These plaques can kill brain cells, which may be a precursor to Alzheimer's.

3.Treating Glaucoma

A condition known as glaucoma, which damages the optic nerve and results in visual loss, can be treated with marijuana. Preventing blindness is possible because of the drug's effects.

  1. Treat Arthritis Symptoms

People living with Rheumatoid arthritis may benefit from the pain-relieving and sleep-inducing effects of cannabis, according to a study published in 2011.

  1. Control an epileptic attack

Epileptic seizures can be controlled with marijuana, according to a 2003 study. According to a new survey, THC inhibits seizures by attaching to the brain cells that regulate excitability and relaxation.

  1. Treat multiple sclerosis with ease

The use of marijuana reduces Multiple sclerosis-related symptoms such as muscle spasms and poor neurological consequences. Cannabis may be able to reduce the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, according to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association.

7.To help alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease

Patients with Parkinson's disease who smoke marijuana report minor discomfort and tremors, as well as better sleep due to the recent Israeli research. Researchers found that patients' fine motor abilities improved due to their treatment.

8.Crohn's disease assistance

Crohn's illness may benefit from the use of cannabis. Among the many symptoms of Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel illness, are abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and more.

9.Relieves apprehension

Researchers at Harvard University 2010 hypothesized that another drug's effects might reduce anxiety, enhance the smoker's mood, and function as a sedative in moderate dosages. Higher doses, on the other hand, may cause anxiety and paranoia

  1. Reduces chemo-induced severe pain and nausea and increases appetite.

Medical marijuana is frequently prescribed to patients undergoing chemotherapy. Pain, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite are common side effects for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. It could lead to more severe health issues. Marijuana can help alleviate these side effects by reducing pain and nausea and increasing appetite.

  1. Improve symptoms of Lupus, an autoimmune disorder.

Medical marijuana can be used to treat a kind of autoimmune disease known as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. In this case, the body attacks itself for no discernible reason.

  1. Take care of yourself after a stroke.

Cannabis may help protect the brain from damage caused by a stroke by decreasing the size of the afflicted area, according to University of Nottingham research (done on rats, mice, and monkeys).

  1. Ensure that the brain is protected from concussion and trauma.

A study in the journal Cerebral Cortex found that marijuana may help people get better after a serious injury like a concussion.

  1. Assisting veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder

Some states in the United States have allowed the use of marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. THC and other naturally occurring cannabinoids aid in regulating the nervous system and suppressing fear and anxiety.


In addition to these 15 medical benefits, marijuana has many other uses. It is baffling how medical marijuana is still illegal in most of the country and how it has such a bad reputation. This plant has the potential to become a household name for treating a wide range of diseases if medical science continues to demonstrate its efficacy.

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